The ChainMaille Lady

Posts Tagged ‘steam punk

 A Pair Of Chainmaille Shoes Sell For Over $1,000!Image

That’s right chainmaille is being used by top name designers!  The designers are incorporating gorgeous chainmaille into their shoe designs.  The chainmaille sandles pictured to the left are designed by Giuseppe Zanotti for Balmain and are sold at Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdales.

These shoe designs are being worn by such superstars as Desperate Housewives’ Marcia Cross!  These same fabulous sandals were also spotted on Courtney Hansen the week before!

It’s amazing when you think about chainmaille first being used in 400 B.C. as armor to protect warriors from being stabbed to death.

If you want to dress up your own pair of boring pumps, just add a bit of chainmaille and voila!  You have added pop to an otherwise plain pair of pumps.

Stay tuned for more “Did You Know?” by me The ChainMaille Lady™

Well I said I was going to try to list at least one new item in my shop everyday. Today’s new item is my Capri Blue Spine Of The Centipede Chainmaille Bracelet. This bracelet is made using 17 guage sterling silver jump rings and 5mm Blue Capri Swarovski Crystals. Please stop by my shop and give it a heart!


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