The ChainMaille Lady

Posts Tagged ‘artistic wire


These cute little earrings are lightweight and so easy to make!  With a few jump rings and a pair of ear wires you can make these this afternoon to wear tonight. Who knew chainmaille could be so easy?

18 (9 per earring) 18 gauge 15/64” AW Chainmaille Jump Rings in Non-Tarnish Brass
12 (6 per earring) 18 gauge 9/64” AW Chainmaille Jump Rings in Non-Tarnish Silver
2 (1 per earring) 20 gauge 3/32” AW Chainmaille Jump Rings in Non-Tarnish Brass
1 pair of ear wires
1. With an open 20g 3/32” brass ring add two pre-closed silver rings and the ear wire, close the small brass ring.
2. With an open 18g 15/64” brass ring scoop up the two silver rings added in step 1, close the brass ring.
3. With an open 18g 15/64” brass ring scoop up the two silver rings added in step 1 then weave the large brass ring through the large brass ring added in step 2, close brass ring.
4. With an open 18g 15/64” brass ring scoop up the two silver rings added in step 1 then weave the large brass ring thru the large brass ring added in step 2 and the large brass ring added in step 3, this creates the “mobius,” close brass ring.
5. Add two 18g 9/64” silver rings to the mobius created in step 4.
6. Repeat steps 2 thru 5.
7. Repeat steps 2 thru 4.

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Lauren Andersen
The Chainmaille Lady™
Beadalon Design Team Member


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